Sunday, September 2, 2012

Too Lazy for Playdough

I keep seeing Pins about making play dough. Jello play dough, edible play dough.  All kinds of play dough.  I hate play dough (the store bought stuff) so I decided to make some so that my kids can have a normal childhood and I can be spared the terrible play dough stench.  I found this recipe on  How Does She?  last week and asked my husband to go to the store to get salt.  By the time he got back I was over it.  The play dough recipe has been staring me down on Pinterest ever since.  So finally today I broke down and made four colors. It came out AMAZINGLY and it was much easier than I thought it would be.  It only took half an hour to make the four different colors and clean up.

 A few tips...Mix all ingredients in a cool pot until smooth before heating.  Don't try to make one big batch and then separate and color after it has been cooked.

  I have learned, from making multiple batches of fondant, that it is more difficult to ad color to already mixed dough than to take the extra steps to make each color before cooking it (which requires cleaning the pot between batches).

 And my final tip is to be very careful, this stuff can get pretty hot, flatten with your spoon on the wax paper and let cool for a few minutes before you kneed it.  For the original post including recipe and directions from How Does She?  <click this link and enjoy.

 I know my girls had fun cutting and squeezing this colorful stuff.  Oh and in case you were wondering... it feels just like the store bought stuff.

Happy Creating!

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