Tuesday, December 18, 2012

These are a Few of My Favorite Things

The day after Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the Christmas season in my house.  On that day we spend hours “decking the halls” with all of our Christmas decorations.  Putting up our trees and bringing a very festive feel to our home.  My Children look forward to this day because it is a day that we are all together, no TV,  no interruptions, and they have a creative say as to how to decorate and put up the tree and lights. 

Now that my girls are a little older I can see the excitement and joy in their eyes as they come to understand Christmas.  Of course I know that what they are looking forward to are presents, food and lights, but I also know that as they grow they will come to understand December as a time that we really reflect on the birth of Christ. 
Excited for new winter coats

As a Christian I know that Jesus was not born on Dec 25th.  At first this bothered me, I was raised Jehovah’s Witness and therefore  the entire idea of Christmas was something that I have had to learn as an adult.  My husband and I talked and decided that we will continue a Christmas tradition in our home with our Children for two reasons, First it is something to look forward too.  It is a time that we all are anticipating fun activities, church services, festive parties and wintertime fun with each other.  I feel very strongly that traditions make life worth living.  They hold us together when life gets hard, they are the light at the end of the tunnel during the trials of our life. Secondly it is a time when we focus on Jesus, from the beginning of Dec all the way through Easter.  Many people will argue that Christmas is a retail holiday; it is highly Pagan, and so on.  But I believe that it is whatever you make of it.  In our home we discuss the sacrifice God made by sending his son.

John 3:16 
 For God so loved the world that he GAVE his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

We discuss the purpose of this sacrifice and I have even found a Bible app on my phone that gives us fun activities that bring to life these heavy topics so that the kids can understand through participation. 

 I have learned that Rome was not built in a day and so is true for our family. We are a very new family and since I didn’t have Christmas traditions growing up to draw from we are really creating our own now.  Last year was really when we started implementing Christ more in the entire month, this year we will be putting an emphasis on giving, by taking toys to Child Haven, I am excited because we will be having Donovan pick out toys both from home and from the store for others then we can discuss the importance of giving.  Last year Donovan and his friend started a tradition of their own by walking around the neighborhood singing carols the Saturday afternoon before Christmas.  Yesterday he asked if he could make cakepops to give to the neighbors while they Carol, he said “I love giving things to people” my heart rejoiced hearing him say that because in the midst of all the receiving, I wanted to make sure to instill in him a spirit of giving as well.

Oh and I can’t forget our newest Christmas traditions.  This year we were visited by a tiny friend that we call Zandric (the kid named him).  I had heard about Elf on a Shelf through Pinterest but honestly I really was not interested in starting this one up with the kids.  It just seemed creepy and weird.  A few weeks ago though, Donovan came home and asked us why we didn't have an elf.  He explained what the elf was and that he wanted an elf “really really bad”.  I went into mommy mode and couldn't tell the child “No”.  Minutes later after a text to my neighbor, I was next door meeting the neighbor’s elf Chris and getting the scoop from them.  After a week and a frantic search through every Target in my area, we were visited by our elf.  The kids LOVE him.  It’s like Christmas morning every morning for them.  They walk up early, run down stairs and search the house to see what Zandric has gotten into this time.  It’s the first thing they talk about in the morning, I love to see how their faces light up with excitement and laughter when they find him or talk to him.  As stressful as starting up the elf tradition was,  I have to honestly say that I am glad we have a Christmas elf to bring just a little bit more excitement to the entire month of December. 

Finally, what is Christmas without sweets?  Cupcakes, peppermint cakeballs, homemade candies and Cocoa, are just some of the sweets we look forward to making together and eating together.  It seems to be a new tradition in my husbands shop at work that I make peppermint cakeballs for him to bring because I keep hearing about it.  Which reminds me, I have a few dozen cupcakes and cakeballs to make by tomorrow, yikes!
This is my Favorite Picture of Christmas last year

Whatever your tradition is, keep it, your kids will thank you for all of the wonderful memories they can draw from during the hard times, something to look back on and remember how much fun they had and to look forward to at the end of each year.

Happy Celebrating!

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